"Journey" 8"x 10"oil on "Gessobord"c.2012 TMW |
"Journey" represents to me how the unknown lies before us and even with family or friends, inevitably we still have to face our fears and anxieties alone. Moving to a country where I don't speak the language, trying to figure out my artistic voice, losing my father to cancer three months ago– I have felt the intensity of panic, negative beliefs about myself, and just plain uncertainty about everything. The most relief I have experienced was when I could give myself some approval, reassure myself that we will have enough.
With Skype, I shared this painting with my sweet Mom. She thought I should have painted two swans...I don't disagree. Every journey IS better when shared with someone else, and I am so grateful I have Jeff to share with, but I couldn't change it. Each of our experiences are so unique. Heading out under the bridge into larger water, means something different to everyone. My swan swims alone.